Keeping Advent (3A Friday): Carol of the Stranger

And Mary [sang], “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior. His mercy is for those who fear him, from generation to generation." (Luke 1:46-47, 50)

Carol of the Stranger
text by Michael Dennis Browne
music by Abbie Betinis

Peace and grace be to this house
Where all are welcomed in;
Receive the guest, receive this heart:
Tell the Stranger, tell.

Tell the Stranger what you cannot tell
Those who love you and desire your joy:

Make tall your walls, make long these beams,
Who once believed alone;
Make wide the circle, feed the fire:
Tell the Silence, tell.

Tell the Silence what you cannot tell
Those who love you and desire your joy.

Blessings be upon this place,
Let every wound be healed,
Let every secret, every dream:
Tell the Angel, tell.

Tell the Angel what you cannot tell
Those who love you and desire your joy.

Peace and grace be to this house,
All will be returned;
Let every soul be called your own,
Tell the Mystery, tell.

Tell the Mystery what you long to tell
Those who love you and desire your joy.

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